NASA science research team unite with others about the possibilieties of an ALIEN INVASION RESULTS.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
NASA 接受外星人存在而且有能力來到地球
兩面神 - 光明會的混亂和欺騙之神
Janus – Illuminati God Of Chaos and Deception
Zen Gardner
Posted on September 17, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog
Janus Bifrons..who was the two-faced Greco-Roman god?
兩面神Bifrons ..誰是兩面的希臘羅馬神?
The irony is that people not only know their rulers and society overall are two-faced, they expect it. Whether consciously or subconsciously we all know lying and deception are inherent to the matrix that’s been foisted upon us.
Another irony is that even in the definition of Janus there are two very different versions as to whom this mythological character really was.
Zen Gardner
Posted on September 17, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog
Janus Bifrons..who was the two-faced Greco-Roman god?
兩面神Bifrons ..誰是兩面的希臘羅馬神?
The irony is that people not only know their rulers and society overall are two-faced, they expect it. Whether consciously or subconsciously we all know lying and deception are inherent to the matrix that’s been foisted upon us.
Another irony is that even in the definition of Janus there are two very different versions as to whom this mythological character really was.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Lady Gaga - 這方式出生 在千禧年後的魔鬼國度

秘密協議 - 美國政府與外星人

秘密協議 -
The United States Government and Extra-terrestrial Entities
By Richard K. Wilson and Sylvan Burns(作者)
Table of Contents (目錄)
Introductions (介紹) .....1
Quotes (引言) ...... 17
Documents (文件) ...... 20
Freedom of Information Act (信息自由法)) ...... 74
JMP Request for Executive Order(軍事人員要求正義組織請求總統行政命令)..... 75
Lear-Cooper Indictment (李耳及庫伯被起訴) ..... 79
Mind Control (思想控制) ..... 89
Groom Lake and Dreamland (馬伕湖及夢境秘密基地) ...... 106
John Lear Statement, Revised 25 June 1988 (李耳證言﹐1988.6.25修正) ..... 112
Mutilations, Military and Aliens (肢解﹐軍隊與外星人) ..... 119
Abductions (綁架) ..... 130
Four-Corners Map (四角地圖) ..... 136
Project Beta, September 9, 1978 (貝塔計劃﹐1978.9.9) ..... 137
The Case of Paul Bennewitz (保羅.本尼維茲的案子) ..... 151
Dulce Genetic Facility in New Mexico (新墨西哥州到西基因設施) ..... 154
United States Tunnel Maps (美國地下通道圖)..... 162
CIA and UFO Data (中情局及不明飛行物)..... 164
Technical Agency Information (技術機構情報) ..... 167
Historical Data Regarding Aliens and the Government (外星人與政府的歷史資料).... 171
Definitions and Projects (計劃及定義) ..... 192
Conclusions (結論)..... 195
Bibliography (參考書籍) ..... 197
Historical Data (歷史數據) Regarding Aliens and the Government (有關外星人與政府)
(c) 1989 N.A.R
以下應該僅為書中的一篇﹐但卻是貫穿全軸﹐重要的一篇 。
Guess where Obama will be on 9 27 (Next Elenin alignment date) Coincidence?
猜猜奧巴馬9月27日將在哪裡(下一次Elenin連珠日期),巧合?2011-09-05 Obama in Denver 27-Sept ☄ Jesse Ventura ☄ DUMB for Elenin? [GodlikeProductions / JoeyB613] 奧巴馬九月廿七日會在丹佛 ☄ 傑西文圖拉 ☄ 為elenin而深層地下軍事基地? [GodlikeProductions/ JoeyB613]2011-09-05
Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist Resigns Over Global Warming
Published September 14, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog
The global warming theory left him out in the cold.
Dr. Ivar Giaever, a former professor with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the 1973 winner of the Nobel Prize in physics, abruptly announced his resignation Tuesday, Sept. 13, from the premier physics society in disgust over its officially stated policy that "global warming is occurring."
The official position of the American Physical Society (APS) supports the theory that man's actions have inexorably led to the warming of the planet, through increased emissions of carbon dioxide.
Published September 14, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog
The global warming theory left him out in the cold.
Dr. Ivar Giaever, a former professor with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the 1973 winner of the Nobel Prize in physics, abruptly announced his resignation Tuesday, Sept. 13, from the premier physics society in disgust over its officially stated policy that "global warming is occurring."
The official position of the American Physical Society (APS) supports the theory that man's actions have inexorably led to the warming of the planet, through increased emissions of carbon dioxide.
Gold Will Drop to $1390 By Year-end and $1000 by 2013! Here’s Why
Thursday, September 15th, 2011 |
Posted by Editor
Translation by Autumnson Blog
A review of the gold price written by Robin Bew, chief economist at HSBC Bank, proposes that the gold price is in danger of entering bubble territory and predicts a sharp correction by year-end to $1,000 per troy ounce by 2013. [Let's examine Bew's views more closely.]
一項黃金價格評綸由匯豐銀行首席經濟學家羅賓 BEW寫出,提出黃金價格在進入泡沫區域的危險,並預測年底前出現大幅調整及在2013年跌至每盎司1,000美元。 [讓我們密切地來看看BEW的看法]
So says Stuart Burns ( in edited excerpts from an article* which Lorimer Wilson, editor of (Your Key to Making Money!), has further edited ([ ]), abridged (…) and reformatted below for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure a fast and easy read. The author’s views and conclusions are unaltered and no personal comments have been included to maintain the integrity of the original article. Please note that this paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.
Gold Will Drop to $1390 By Year-end and $1000 by 2013! Here’s Why
Thursday, September 15th, 2011 |
Posted by Editor
Translation by Autumnson Blog
A review of the gold price written by Robin Bew, chief economist at HSBC Bank, proposes that the gold price is in danger of entering bubble territory and predicts a sharp correction by year-end to $1,000 per troy ounce by 2013. [Let's examine Bew's views more closely.]
一項黃金價格評綸由匯豐銀行首席經濟學家羅賓 BEW寫出,提出黃金價格在進入泡沫區域的危險,並預測年底前出現大幅調整及在2013年跌至每盎司1,000美元。 [讓我們密切地來看看BEW的看法]
So says Stuart Burns ( in edited excerpts from an article* which Lorimer Wilson, editor of (Your Key to Making Money!), has further edited ([ ]), abridged (…) and reformatted below for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure a fast and easy read. The author’s views and conclusions are unaltered and no personal comments have been included to maintain the integrity of the original article. Please note that this paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Generation OS13: The new culture of resistance
Translation by Autumnson Blog
Generation OS13 is an explosive insight into the attack on civil liberties occurring in western democracies and how artists, musicians, journalists and authors encourage the peoples right to resist against Banker occupation.
Examining economic dictatorships, puppet regimes, tax havens, tax dodgers, and the debt based money system the film explains why 'you can not count on the law makers to see shit when it first happens'. For a new era, generation OS13, the repression will not be tolerated; do 'the government really think they can win that war if the young people are like fuck this, you cant beat that you, can't beat us, its Impossible' - Saul Williams.
檢查經濟獨裁、傀儡政權、稅務天堂、逃稅者,以及債務為基的貨幣體系,電影解釋為什麼“你不能信任法律制定者當它首次發生時去看到屎。”對於一個新時代,OS13世代,壓迫將不會被容忍;“政府真的認為他們可贏得那戰爭嗎,如果年輕人都像他媽的這一點,你不能打敗、你不能擊敗我們,它是不可能的” - 掃羅威廉姆斯。
Translation by Autumnson Blog
Generation OS13 is an explosive insight into the attack on civil liberties occurring in western democracies and how artists, musicians, journalists and authors encourage the peoples right to resist against Banker occupation.
Examining economic dictatorships, puppet regimes, tax havens, tax dodgers, and the debt based money system the film explains why 'you can not count on the law makers to see shit when it first happens'. For a new era, generation OS13, the repression will not be tolerated; do 'the government really think they can win that war if the young people are like fuck this, you cant beat that you, can't beat us, its Impossible' - Saul Williams.
檢查經濟獨裁、傀儡政權、稅務天堂、逃稅者,以及債務為基的貨幣體系,電影解釋為什麼“你不能信任法律制定者當它首次發生時去看到屎。”對於一個新時代,OS13世代,壓迫將不會被容忍;“政府真的認為他們可贏得那戰爭嗎,如果年輕人都像他媽的這一點,你不能打敗、你不能擊敗我們,它是不可能的” - 掃羅威廉姆斯。
September 13th, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog
Cover of Britney's remix album: Monarch Programming.
Volume 2.
Album cover of Ane Brun
Ane Brun的專輯封面
Cover of Russian magazine Собака
Uma is yet "Another" one.
Miley Cyrus in Prestige magazine with what almost looks like a Baphomet altar.
Miley Cyrus 在威望雜誌與看起來像一座 Baphomet祭壇
This new collection of New Era caps could not be more obvious.
Model Masha Novoselova in MK-themed pictorial. This one features the hands of an abusive handler and, of course, one eye.
模特兒Masha Novoselova在心靈控制主題的圖案,這一張由處理者的濫手客串和,當然,單眼。
Same photoshoot, sex kitten.
Mickey Mouse mind control pic, evocating torture and, of course, one eye.
This 2002 London Billboard is the probably most blatantly Big Brotherish thing I ever saw.
September 13th, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog
Cover of Britney's remix album: Monarch Programming.
Volume 2.
Album cover of Ane Brun
Ane Brun的專輯封面
Cover of Russian magazine Собака
Uma is yet "Another" one.
Miley Cyrus in Prestige magazine with what almost looks like a Baphomet altar.
Miley Cyrus 在威望雜誌與看起來像一座 Baphomet祭壇
This new collection of New Era caps could not be more obvious.
Model Masha Novoselova in MK-themed pictorial. This one features the hands of an abusive handler and, of course, one eye.
模特兒Masha Novoselova在心靈控制主題的圖案,這一張由處理者的濫手客串和,當然,單眼。
Same photoshoot, sex kitten.
Mickey Mouse mind control pic, evocating torture and, of course, one eye.
This 2002 London Billboard is the probably most blatantly Big Brotherish thing I ever saw.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
September 14, 2011
by Aspen
Translation by Autumnson Blog
"Make no mistake: the day will come when your children will be 'set free' sexually. And if you object, your children will be taken from you. It may take some time, but it will come. "
In August, French Vogue was criticized for sexualizing this 10-year-old model.
今年八月,法國 Vogue雜誌被批評性化這個 10歲大的模特兒。
The battle over the 'sexual rights' of underage persons has begun. Children are being sexualized. In the view of the Illuminati, young people are being 'set free'.
Some readers have expressed disbelief that 'child sexualization' would ever take place. These readers do not understand how the Illuminati enact social change: Start small; maintain progress patiently and incrementally; form deep links between different centers (e.g., changes in the Art and Music worlds must reflect the subtle pressures being exerted at the elementary school level and television, film, radio, and magazines); ramp up crises at carefully calculated times.一些讀者已表達並不相信“兒童性化”曾幾何時會發生,這些讀者不明白光明會如何制定社會變革:從小事做起;維持耐性並逐步取得進展;在不同中心之間形成深層聯繫(例如,在藝術和音樂世界的變化必須反映微妙的壓力施加在小學程度和電視、電影、電台和雜誌);在仔細計算的時機從危機取利。
As someone who has worked extensively in public relations, I know that If one person speaks up, it means at least 100 people, or maybe even a thousand, or maybe even ten thousand, have thought of and about the same thing. 正如有人曾在公共關係廣泛工作,我知道如果一個人出聲,它意味著至少有100人,或者甚至有一千或一萬,也曾想及和對同樣的事情。
by Aspen
Translation by Autumnson Blog
"Make no mistake: the day will come when your children will be 'set free' sexually. And if you object, your children will be taken from you. It may take some time, but it will come. "
In August, French Vogue was criticized for sexualizing this 10-year-old model.
今年八月,法國 Vogue雜誌被批評性化這個 10歲大的模特兒。
The battle over the 'sexual rights' of underage persons has begun. Children are being sexualized. In the view of the Illuminati, young people are being 'set free'.
Some readers have expressed disbelief that 'child sexualization' would ever take place. These readers do not understand how the Illuminati enact social change: Start small; maintain progress patiently and incrementally; form deep links between different centers (e.g., changes in the Art and Music worlds must reflect the subtle pressures being exerted at the elementary school level and television, film, radio, and magazines); ramp up crises at carefully calculated times.一些讀者已表達並不相信“兒童性化”曾幾何時會發生,這些讀者不明白光明會如何制定社會變革:從小事做起;維持耐性並逐步取得進展;在不同中心之間形成深層聯繫(例如,在藝術和音樂世界的變化必須反映微妙的壓力施加在小學程度和電視、電影、電台和雜誌);在仔細計算的時機從危機取利。
As someone who has worked extensively in public relations, I know that If one person speaks up, it means at least 100 people, or maybe even a thousand, or maybe even ten thousand, have thought of and about the same thing. 正如有人曾在公共關係廣泛工作,我知道如果一個人出聲,它意味著至少有100人,或者甚至有一千或一萬,也曾想及和對同樣的事情。

美國宇航局最終發布Elenin 的視頻...難以置信!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
British Leader Warns Russia 'Time Of End' Has Come
September 12, 2011
By: Sorcha Faal,
Translation by Autumnson Blog
The sobering details emerging from the rare and unexpected visit to Russia by Prime Minister David Cameron reveal that the British leader “warned” President Medvedev that the United States is “firmly intent” upon unleashing World War III and if not stopped warned the “time of end” has come to us all.
According to this report, Cameron’s fears of the US throwing the entire world into the abyss of global warfare were accelerated this past spring after Libya discovered that the Obama regime allowed the American megabank Goldman Sachs to loot nearly $1.3 billion of its sovereign wealth fund (estimated at $65 billion) which has since “lined the pockets” of these bankster criminals who have, likewise, destroyed the United States economy too.
September 12, 2011
By: Sorcha Faal,
Translation by Autumnson Blog
The sobering details emerging from the rare and unexpected visit to Russia by Prime Minister David Cameron reveal that the British leader “warned” President Medvedev that the United States is “firmly intent” upon unleashing World War III and if not stopped warned the “time of end” has come to us all.



恩道爾:美英布下石油大棋局 下一個目標中國
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
911: 由建築師和工程師來解構世貿7座倒下的迷思
Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 -
Monday, September 12, 2011

Long Valley, California – Japan – New Zealand
Специалисты выясняют причины редкого явления
Experts to investigate the cause of a rare phenomenon
Experts to investigate the cause of a rare phenomenon
Dangerous Crossroads: Russian Military Chief: Prepare For "Worst-Case Scenarios" In Unravelling World
High Alert after Mid-East Turmoil. War Games in Late September
Global Research, September 12, 2011
Voice of Russia
Translation by Autumnson Blog
Russia’s chief of general staff has said that the country’s military must be ready to the worst possible scenarios as the political situation in the world is taking complicated and unexpected turns.
Speaking at a Monday press conference in Moscow, Army General Nikolay Makarov said that Russian military organizations must be ready for the worst possible developments. “The situation in the world is complicated and it is constantly changing, especially in North Africa and the Middle East. What happened in these regions was difficult to predict and the events developed at a tremendous speed,” the general said. “No one can tell now what will happen there. However, this is a signal for all states. We, the military, must be ready for the worst scenarios.”週一在莫斯科出席一個新聞發布會,陸軍上將尼古拉馬卡羅夫說,俄羅斯軍方組織必須為最壞的可能發展作準備。 “世界局勢是複雜和不斷在變化,特別是在北非和中東。在這些地區發生的事是難以預計及事件以驚人的速度發展,“將軍說。 “沒有人可說出在那裡現在會發生什麼事情。然而,這是給所有國家的一個信號。我們軍方一定要為最壞的情況打算。
Dangerous Crossroads: Russian Military Chief: Prepare For "Worst-Case Scenarios" In Unravelling World
High Alert after Mid-East Turmoil. War Games in Late September
Global Research, September 12, 2011
Voice of Russia
Translation by Autumnson Blog
Russia’s chief of general staff has said that the country’s military must be ready to the worst possible scenarios as the political situation in the world is taking complicated and unexpected turns.
Speaking at a Monday press conference in Moscow, Army General Nikolay Makarov said that Russian military organizations must be ready for the worst possible developments. “The situation in the world is complicated and it is constantly changing, especially in North Africa and the Middle East. What happened in these regions was difficult to predict and the events developed at a tremendous speed,” the general said. “No one can tell now what will happen there. However, this is a signal for all states. We, the military, must be ready for the worst scenarios.”週一在莫斯科出席一個新聞發布會,陸軍上將尼古拉馬卡羅夫說,俄羅斯軍方組織必須為最壞的可能發展作準備。 “世界局勢是複雜和不斷在變化,特別是在北非和中東。在這些地區發生的事是難以預計及事件以驚人的速度發展,“將軍說。 “沒有人可說出在那裡現在會發生什麼事情。然而,這是給所有國家的一個信號。我們軍方一定要為最壞的情況打算。
美國: 聖經中的奧秘巴比倫


巴克萊:中國告別經濟奇蹟 通脹加劇
美國信用評級下調的幕後 ;美債危機引爆中國三大危機
911謊言:WTC 7神秘倒下
光明會 共濟會,
大衛艾奇 - 那麼他們是誰?歷史證據
Lady Gaga 的“猶大“和荷魯斯的時代
Lady Gaga’s “Judas” video is a modern retelling of biblical stories, where Jesus and his disciples are portrayed as a biker gang. But don’t mistake the video for a Bible lesson as it twists and turns important scenes to give them a very different meaning. In fact, it can be argued that the video symbolically describes an important aspect of Gaga’s work and of society in general: a rejection of Christianity in order to make way to what has been called the Age of Horus. This article will look at the origins and the symbols found in Lady Gaga’s “Judas”.
When I first watched Judas, I immediately told myself: “There is no use to write about this, it is simply too obvious”. I mean Gaga is in love with Judas … and Judas betrayed Jesus. It is a direct continuation of Gaga’s anti-Christian and pro-Illuminati theme through symbols, as described in previous articles. What can I add to it that hasn’t been said? So I ignored the video … until I began receiving e-mails. Tons of them. Many people did not understand the message of the video, some did not get the Biblical references and the way they were twisted to communicate a new message; other simply did not know who Judas was. As it is symbolic on many levels, I realized that decoding this video could help many readers — who I call my “Little Vigis” (No.). The video doesn’t only summarize the underlying spiritual message found in Gaga’s work, but it describes an important phenomenon happening in society in general – a phenomenon that is part of the Illuminati agenda: the “de-holyfication” of traditional religions.
當我第一次觀看猶大,我馬上告訴自己:“寫這是沒有用的,那簡直是太明顯了。”我意思是加加與猶大相戀...和猶大出賣耶穌 。它是一項透過象徵Gaga反基督教和親光明會主題的直接延續,正如在之前的文章所述,我還能補充甚麼尚未說的?所以我忽略了該影片...直至我開始收到以噸計的電子郵件。很多人看不明視頻的信息,一些人沒有收到聖經的引用和那方式它們被扭曲來傳達一種新訊息;其他人根本不知道猶大是誰。由於它在很多層次都是象徵性,我意識到解碼這條視頻可以幫到很多讀者 - 我叫他們做“小警惕”(編號:)。視頻不只總結了發現在加加作品中的潛藏靈性信息,如且它描述一個發生在一般社會的重要現象 - 一個現象是光明會的部分議程:“去聖化”傳統的宗教。
In her recent interviews, Gaga has given several interpretations of the song. In an interview with E! Online she said that it was not meant as an attack of Christianity:
在她最近的採訪中,加加給予她的歌曲幾種解釋。在一次接受 E!的網上採訪她說,它並不意味作為基督教的攻擊:
When I first watched Judas, I immediately told myself: “There is no use to write about this, it is simply too obvious”. I mean Gaga is in love with Judas … and Judas betrayed Jesus. It is a direct continuation of Gaga’s anti-Christian and pro-Illuminati theme through symbols, as described in previous articles. What can I add to it that hasn’t been said? So I ignored the video … until I began receiving e-mails. Tons of them. Many people did not understand the message of the video, some did not get the Biblical references and the way they were twisted to communicate a new message; other simply did not know who Judas was. As it is symbolic on many levels, I realized that decoding this video could help many readers — who I call my “Little Vigis” (No.). The video doesn’t only summarize the underlying spiritual message found in Gaga’s work, but it describes an important phenomenon happening in society in general – a phenomenon that is part of the Illuminati agenda: the “de-holyfication” of traditional religions.
當我第一次觀看猶大,我馬上告訴自己:“寫這是沒有用的,那簡直是太明顯了。”我意思是加加與猶大相戀...和猶大出賣耶穌 。它是一項透過象徵Gaga反基督教和親光明會主題的直接延續,正如在之前的文章所述,我還能補充甚麼尚未說的?所以我忽略了該影片...直至我開始收到以噸計的電子郵件。很多人看不明視頻的信息,一些人沒有收到聖經的引用和那方式它們被扭曲來傳達一種新訊息;其他人根本不知道猶大是誰。由於它在很多層次都是象徵性,我意識到解碼這條視頻可以幫到很多讀者 - 我叫他們做“小警惕”(編號:)。視頻不只總結了發現在加加作品中的潛藏靈性信息,如且它描述一個發生在一般社會的重要現象 - 一個現象是光明會的部分議程:“去聖化”傳統的宗教。
In her recent interviews, Gaga has given several interpretations of the song. In an interview with E! Online she said that it was not meant as an attack of Christianity:
在她最近的採訪中,加加給予她的歌曲幾種解釋。在一次接受 E!的網上採訪她說,它並不意味作為基督教的攻擊:
hristopher Dunn
June 2, 2011
Translation by Autmnson Blog
New images from inside the Great Pyramid shaft reveal evidence of electrical terminals, cables and even ancient wiring diagrams!
The discovery of electrical contacts and wiring inside the Great Pyramid, along with markings that show how to connect them, do not fit anywhere in conventional Egyptology but confirm the theory first published in my book, The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt in 1998.
Only this theory has ever made such predictions, and every robot explorer they send up the shafts finds more and more evidence to prove that the theory is correct.
Background and details follow:
The Great Pyramid has long been a source of mystery for the world. Specialists and lay people alike have been drawn to what it might tell us about our ancient past, with a variety of theories being offered for consideration. While there are over a hundred pyramids in Egypt, the majority of them, while important and significant themselves, seem all to be cast in the shadow of the Great. What is it about this pyramid that makes it so GREAT?
Going back as far as the 17 century, there are accounts of numerous explorations into the Great Pyramid that have yielded significant new details of the structure. In more recent times, a flurry of excitement has surrounded the mystery of a small shaft discovered in 1872 in the wall of the Queen’s Chamber. This shaft did not connect to the chamber and was discovered after a rod was pushed into a small crack in the wall and, after meeting no resistance, prompted Waynman Dixon, a British explorer, to have the limestone chiseled away revealing a square opening that measured 20.32 cm (8.00 in) wide and 22.35 cm (8.8 in) high. A similar shaft was subsequently found in the north wall.
回至17世紀,有許多進入大金字塔探索的敘述,已經獲得結構的重要新細節。在更近其,一陣亂舞的興奮已包圍神秘的通風井,於 1872年在皇后會議廳的牆上發現。這通風井並沒有連接到會議廳,及在在推一支小棒入一條小裂縫後被發現和,在未遭遇抵抗後,促使英國探險家偉文迪克森去將石灰岩鑿開,露出一個方孔量度是20.32厘米(8.00英寸)寬和22.35厘米(8.8)高,一個類似的通風井隨後被發現在北牆。
June 2, 2011
Translation by Autmnson Blog
New images from inside the Great Pyramid shaft reveal evidence of electrical terminals, cables and even ancient wiring diagrams!
The discovery of electrical contacts and wiring inside the Great Pyramid, along with markings that show how to connect them, do not fit anywhere in conventional Egyptology but confirm the theory first published in my book, The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt in 1998.
Only this theory has ever made such predictions, and every robot explorer they send up the shafts finds more and more evidence to prove that the theory is correct.
Background and details follow:
The Great Pyramid has long been a source of mystery for the world. Specialists and lay people alike have been drawn to what it might tell us about our ancient past, with a variety of theories being offered for consideration. While there are over a hundred pyramids in Egypt, the majority of them, while important and significant themselves, seem all to be cast in the shadow of the Great. What is it about this pyramid that makes it so GREAT?
Going back as far as the 17 century, there are accounts of numerous explorations into the Great Pyramid that have yielded significant new details of the structure. In more recent times, a flurry of excitement has surrounded the mystery of a small shaft discovered in 1872 in the wall of the Queen’s Chamber. This shaft did not connect to the chamber and was discovered after a rod was pushed into a small crack in the wall and, after meeting no resistance, prompted Waynman Dixon, a British explorer, to have the limestone chiseled away revealing a square opening that measured 20.32 cm (8.00 in) wide and 22.35 cm (8.8 in) high. A similar shaft was subsequently found in the north wall.
回至17世紀,有許多進入大金字塔探索的敘述,已經獲得結構的重要新細節。在更近其,一陣亂舞的興奮已包圍神秘的通風井,於 1872年在皇后會議廳的牆上發現。這通風井並沒有連接到會議廳,及在在推一支小棒入一條小裂縫後被發現和,在未遭遇抵抗後,促使英國探險家偉文迪克森去將石灰岩鑿開,露出一個方孔量度是20.32厘米(8.00英寸)寬和22.35厘米(8.8)高,一個類似的通風井隨後被發現在北牆。
1. 上面一張牌是ELIZA,伊利莎,半個腦袋是藍色液體的女性,很多人搞不清楚倒底是什麼。
1. 上面一張牌是ELIZA,伊利莎,半個腦袋是藍色液體的女性,很多人搞不清楚倒底是什麼。
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