September 12, 2011
By: Sorcha Faal,
Translation by Autumnson Blog
The sobering details emerging from the rare and unexpected visit to Russia by Prime Minister David Cameron reveal that the British leader “warned” President Medvedev that the United States is “firmly intent” upon unleashing World War III and if not stopped warned the “time of end” has come to us all.

In what they mistakenly believed would be a quick takedown of Libya’s government, Cameron continued, Obama ordered NATO air strikes upon this North African nation and allowed the CIA to rush thousands of Afghanistan terrorists to the region to topple Gaddafi in a war that has, so far, cost over 50,000 lives.
在他們錯誤地相信會是快速的利比亞政府移除,卡梅倫繼續,奧巴馬下令北約空襲這個北非國家,並允許中央情報局急急安排成千上萬的阿富汗恐怖分子往該地區,以在一場戰爭中推翻卡扎菲,那迄今取去超過 50,000人的生命。
What the Obama regime didn’t count on, Cameron says, was Gaddafi escaping with over $10 billion of Libya’s gold reserves which the Libyan leader has used to finance at least one rebel group that has led to even more chaotic violence as these factions have now turned on each other in a bloody killing spree to see who will gain ultimate victory.
奧巴馬政權並沒有指望的,卡梅倫說,是卡扎菲逃走帶同超過 100億美元的利比亞黃金儲備,那是利比亞領導人用以資助至少一個反政府組織,它已導致更加多的混亂暴力行為,因為這些派別現已在一場血腥殺人的狂鬧刺激對方,看誰將會獲得最終的勝利。
Cameron warns, however, that the worst aftermath of the Libyan War is yet to be realized as over 20,000 shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles belonging to the Gaddafi regime have been “dispersed” throughout the world and are currently “lying in wait” to unleash the worst terror attack in human history against the United States and its Western allies.
然而卡梅倫警告,利比亞戰爭的最嚴重後果尚未實現,因為超過 20,000枝屬於卡扎菲政權的肩射式防空導彈已在世界各地“分散”,及目前在“坐等”發動人類歷史上最嚴重的恐怖襲擊,對美國及其西方盟友。
Even worse, Cameron asserted to Medvedev that the United States had “full knowledge” of these tens-of-thousands of Libyan anti-aircraft missiles flooding the world but refused all British and French Special Forces attempts to secure them as the Americans believe that only a global war of “historic proportions” is able to stop their nation from complete disintegration.
Cameron further warned Medvedev that Gaddafi has poured millions-of-dollars into his vast spy network in Egypt that has now been “activated” and is blamed for the catastrophic attack on Israel’s embassy in Cairo that caused the Israeli ambassador and his staff to flee that Middle Eastern country.
Worse still for the West, Cameron continues, is the “unstoppable rage” of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan over the Obama regimes toppling of Gaddafi who was one of the Turkish leaders “best friends” in the Middle East and who just this past December bestowed upon Erdoğan the Al-Gaddafi International Prize for Human Rights for his “distinguished service to humanity.”
Russian intelligence addendums to these reports state that Erdoğan’s “rage” against the Obama regime is behind his targeting Israel by halting all trade and defense ties to the Jewish state, ordering Turkey’s ambassador to leave Israel, warning of more sanctions to come, and threatening all out war on Cypress.
Israel’s response to Erdoğan’s “rage” was a threat to support the Kurdish rebels currently attacking Turkey and which drew a sharp rebuke from Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmed Davutoglu who warned the Jewish state, “No one will be able to blackmail us.”
As both Turkey and Iran are said to be in their 'final showdown' with Kurdish rebels operating out of Northern Iraq, it is important to note that Israeli forces have been working to help establish a separate Kurd state in an attempt to further fracture the Iraqi government to keep it from becoming more powerful than it is already growing.
Important to note is that all of the events now occurring in the Middle East that are pushing our world to the brink of all-out war has long been known about, and as evidenced in our 23 October 2007 report Turkey Requests ‘Urgent’ Iran Military Aid As Syria Warns To Prepare For War wherein we warned of the United States “master plan” to redraw the entire borders of this region along what the Americans call “according to the situation of the ethnic minorities.”
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